How do I manage corporate accounts in my salon?

This article shows how to manage payments for clients under an ongoing arrangement your business may have with a company, where their staff either receives a discount or the visit is billed to the company.

Set Up an Automatic Corporate Discount

To set up an automatic discount, you need to create a new client category named "Corporate". If no discount is to be applied, simply leave the discount fields blank (see Manager > Categories > Client Categories).

Assigning the Discount to a Client

Once your corporate client category exists, you need to assign each client to the category.

How It Works

Clients automatically receive the discounts assigned to the corporate's category whenever they make a purchase.

Reporting on Discounts

You can see how many of the Corporate discounts were used in a month by running the Discounts and Special Offers report

You can also run a Sales Transactions report and use the Client Category filter to see a full list of transactions where the Corporate discount was applied.

Bill the Company for the Entire Service at the End of the Week or Month

  1. Make sure the corporate client category has been set up.

  2. Make sure each client covered by the company is assigned to the corporate category.

  3. Set up a payment type called "Corporate".
  4. When processing a payment for a corporate client, select the Corporate payment method. The client does not have to pay directly, as their company covers the cost.

  5.  At the end of the week or month, generate the Sales Transactions report. To get a list of all client visits the company owes the salon for, filter the report by the Client Category and Payment Type called "Corporate".

    It's very important to filter by both Payment type and Client category to ensure the report only includes visits covered by the company, excluding those paid directly by the clients.
  6. You can schedule a monthly report to be automatically sent to the company by email. 

See Also

Learn about setting up Special Offers.

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