How do I add my logo to some of my automated emails?

This article will show you how to add your salon logo, which is used in the Welcome Email, is added to the top of your email receipts, and in some of your automated appointment messages.

Go to Marketing > Welcome Email and click the Salon Logo box at the top of the screen.

A window will appear, asking you to select a picture. Browse your computer, then find and select the image file you wish to use for your logo.

Note: The dimensions of this image do not matter too much, provided the image is clear. The image will automatically sit at the top of your Welcome email and also on top of your email receipts.


After you've selected your Salon Logo image, click Save to finish.

Where Does the Logo Appear?

The Logo will automatically be added to the top of your email receipts (if enabled), the top of the Welcome Email (if enabled), and can be added to the following automated emails:

To add the logo to the above 3 email templates, use the Branch Logo personalization, as highlighted below:

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