How do I book an appointment for outside of opening hours?

This article outlines how to add services into the grey boxes at the bottom of the calendar

There are two ways to do this:

Option 1

1. Drag the appointment to the bottom of the screen until it is half-hidden, then let go and you will be asked do you want to change the appointment.


 2. Tap Yes then you will see the appointment push into your off-hours and expand the slots downward.


3. You can now drag the appointment down even later if necessary


Option 2

 An alternative method is to change your business Opening hours to be later than usual.

  1. Go to Manager
  2. Tap Business
  3. Tap Branch Schedule and enter later hours. If you keep your employees scheduled in as normal - you will then just have greyed-out timeslots after they usually finish and you can book appointments in there.


For more information on opening the business on days where you are usually closed, check out this guide.

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