How do I enable a rebooking prompt?

This article will show you how the default rebooking prompt works and how you can enable another prompt to rebook clients before they complete their appointment.

When a client completes an appointment and doesn't have another booking in the future, Phorest will prompt you/your staff to rebook the client for another appointment.

Default Prompt After Payment

By default, the prompt will always show after payment has been taken, provided the client does not have any appointments in the future.

After you select your payment methods and click Pay, you will see a Rebook Client button.


Clicking Rebook Client will open a week view for the staff member of the original appointment, and double-clicking on a time slot in the calendar will automatically create an appointment for this client with the same services.

Clients that Already Have Future Appointments Booked

If the client already has an appointment in the future, you will not see a Rebook Client button, and instead will see the date of their next appointment.


Prompting to Rebook Before Payment

You can also enable a prompt to appear before payment is taken. To do this, go to Manager > Settings > Point Of SalePrompts, then enable the Rebooking prompt and click Save.


Note: You may need to restart Phorest for this setting to take effect.

With this setting enabled, you will see the below prompt appear after you click Pay on the appointment, allowing you to rebook the client before taking payment for the current appointment.


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