Clients sometimes request specific staff members for services or treatments. This article explains different ways to mark staff as 'Requested'.
In this Article
Making a Booking in the Salon
Go to your Appointments screen and create the appointment.
After you've added services to the appointment, select the RQ box to indicate that the client requested this specific staff member.
Once you've checked the RQ box, an 'R' symbol appears on the booking in the staff member's column on the Appointments screen. This indicates the client requested the staff member for the service.
Staff will also be listed as 'Requested' when creating a booking on the Waitlist if a staff member is selected when making that waitlist booking.
Requesting a Staff Member in an Online Booking
When clients book online, they can choose a specific staff member to book their appointment with. If they pick a staff member, the booking will include an 'R' symbol on your Appointments calendar in Phorest to indicate that the staff member was specifically requested during the booking.
Preferred Staff Member
If a client doesn’t already have a Preferred Staff Member set on their profile and a staff member is requested on their appointment, the client's profile will be automatically updated to set that staff member as their Preferred Staff Member.
Once a client's preferred staff member is set, it will not change automatically; however, you can manually update it in the client's profile if needed.
Reporting on Staff Requests
To view the percentage of each staff member's appointments that were client requests, go to Manager > Reports > Staff tab > PERFORMANCE (STATS) > Requests.
You can also report on staff requests in appointments in Manager > Reports > Additional Reports by generating the following reports: