How can I automatically send pre-care and aftercare instructions to clients?

This guide will show you how to set up automated pre-care and post-care instructions, making it easier to communicate important information and improve your client’s treatment experience.

Video Guide

Creating Your Care Instructions

Go to ManagerClient NotificationsCare Instructions

Click Create New to begin creating your instructions.

Give your Care Instructions a name, then click Add service to begin adding services/service categories relevant to the instructions.

Adding Services/Service Categories

When adding services, you can include a single service, several services, entire categories, or various services from different categories.

Check the box beside each service you want to add, then select Add Selected.

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If you Select all services from a category and later add a new service to that category, the new service will not be automatically included in the care instructions. You will need to edit your care instructions again to add this new service.

Creating Your Template (Instructions Editor)

Next, click on the Instructions Editor to begin creating your template.

You can enter Pre-Care Instructions if you intend to send only pre-care information, After-Care Instructions if you only need to send post-care information, or both if you want the email to include both pre- and post-care instructions.

If you leave the Pre-Care or After-Care field blank, that section will automatically be excluded from the email.

Previewing the Email

You can click Preview Email at any point to see what your instructions will look like.

Pre-Care Instructions will appear after the Before Treatment header.

Post-Care Instructions will appear after the After Treatment header.

The other sections in this email, such as the subject and introduction, are not customizable. The preview email will show the name Mary, but when a client receives the email, their actual first name will be displayed automatically.

Choosing When to Send

To finish, go back to the Settings screen and enable the option to Send care instructions. Then, choose whether you want the instructions to be automatically sent when a booking is made, after an appointment is completed, or both.

The message(s) will be sent approximately 30 minutes after the appointment is booked and/or 15 minutes after the appointment is completed.

If you want to create a draft without sending it immediately, leave the Send care instructions option disabled. You can always save your changes and then return to enable this setting when you're ready to start sending.

Multiple Services with Different Care Instructions

When a client has an appointment with multiple services requiring different care instructions, they will receive individual emails for each set of instructions. However, if the care instructions for all services in the appointment are the same, the client will receive only one email with the shared instructions.

Stopping Previous Aftercare Messages from the Marketing Editor

If you previously set up an automatic aftercare email from your Marketing suite and wish to stop it to use the Care Instructions feature instead, check out this guide to learn how.


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