How do I add or remove petty cash or sundries?

This article provides an overview of processing petty cash or sundry expense withdrawals and deposits.

To manage cash from your register for salon expenses, go to the Purchase screen and click the Petty Cash button.

Taking Out Petty Cash

If you're withdrawing cash, enter an Amount and select the Withdrawal option.

Enter the petty cash details into the Description field and click Save And Open Cash Drawer.


Returning Petty Cash

To return petty cash, enter an Amount and select the Deposit option.

Update the Description and click Save And Open Cash Drawer.

For example, if you have leftover change from a coffee purchase, use this method to record the return.


The record of withdrawals appear on your transactions and cash up reports.

View these transactions on financial reports too.

Editing Petty Cash

Learn how to edit existing petty cash entries.

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