This report analyses how your products are performing from a sales and inventory control point of view, i.e. how fast are products moving off the shelves.

The report is designed to be run on a weekly/bi-weekly basis and will help you manage your inventory so that you have less cash tied up in badly performing products.

 Where to find this Report

This report can be found under Manager > Reports > Additional Reports > Products


What the Report Looks Like


The Numbers Explained

Unit Cost: The current cost price of the product.

Unit Price: The current sale price of the product.

Arriv: The number of items arrived in an Order if an order arrived in the specified date range.

Sold Qt: The number of product items sold in the specified date range.

Stock: The current quantity in your inventory.

Last Wk Qt: The number sold in the past 7 days (including today).

Last 2 Wks Qt: The number sold in the past 14 days (including today).

Trans in: If you have multiple locations in Phorest, this is the number of product items transferred into this location from other locations.

Trans out: If you have multiple locations in Phorest, this is the number of product items transferred from this location to other locations.

Order: The number currently on order.

Gross Profit: The gross amount sold in the given period of time minus the total cost of items sold in the same period. This is calculated by subtracting the current product cost price from the sale price of the product at the time it was sold, multiplied by Sold Qt, or, (Sale Price - Cost Price) * Quantity Sold.

GP%: The Gross Profit %, which is calculated as 100 - ((the current product cost price divided into the sale price of the product at the time it was sold) * 100).

Sell thru: This is the number of product items delivered in the given period of time divided by the number of product items sold in the same period of time.

Days Stock: This is the number of days since the product was last ordered. A product that shows NA in this field has never been ordered.

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