This article will show you how to export your order list so you can print it or email it to your supplier.
First Steps!
Before you can send an order to a supplier, first you'll need to create the order. Click here for a guide on how to do that.
Go to Manager > Orders > Double-click on your order > Click Print/Export
Choose Order Export from the list of options
Once the order report has been generated, use the buttons at the bottom of the screen to export the order in your preferred format.
Save the export, then attach it to an email and send it to your Supplier.
Next Steps!
After your supplier sends you the order, check out this guide on how to set the order to arrived in Phorest.
To learn about more areas like this in your Phorest system, enrol in our Inventory/Stock Management course in Phorest Academy- online, on-demand, and on-the-go learning for busy salon professionals.