What is the difference between client notes and appointment notes?

This article explains the difference between Client Notes, Service and Color Notes, and Past Appointment Notes.

Client Notes

Client notes are general notes about a particular client and can be used to convey personal experiences for each client, such as coffee preferences, hobbies, or things to chat about.

You can view and update a client's notes by double-clicking on an appointment.

Notes can also be accessed in each Client Card by going to Clients > Search for and click on the client to open their profile > Basic Information > Client notes.


Service and Color Notes and Past Appointment Notes

These notes should be used to add comments to specific appointments/bookings. They can be used to indicate specific requests for clients, the color formulas/types used on a particular appointment, their preferences, no show/cancellation reasons, etc.

They can be entered into the Service and Color Notes section, and any historical appointment notes will automatically move over to the Past Appointment Notes in the future, with a date stamp referencing the appointment date.

The Past Appointment Notes will show the 4 most recent appointment notes.


These notes can also be viewed in the client's profile under Appointment History.


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