How do I remove an appointment?

This article outlines how to cancel or delete an appointment from the Appointments screen.

Single-click on the appointment you wish to remove, then click the Remove button at the bottom of the screen.


To remove the appointment as a client cancellation, click the Cancellation button. Otherwise, click Delete to delete the appointment.

If the appointment is part of a Course/Series or is a repeating appointment then you will then see a prompt asking you if you want to remove all future appointments relating to that course or just this one appointment.

Appointment Already Paid?

If the appointment has already been paid, you will first need to Void/Undo the sale before you can remove the appointment. To do this, go to ManagerSales > Single-click the sale > Void/Undo.

If a deposit was paid for the appointment through PhorestPay, it will automatically be refunded along with any other PhorestPay payments for the appointment.

Repeat Appointments

If this is a recurring appointment, you will see a prompt asking if you would like to just remove this appointment, or remove this appointment and all future repeats of this appointment.

Select Remove One to only remove the appointment you have selected, or Remove All to remove the appointment you have selected as well as all future repeats of the appointment.


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