How do I refund a sale that was processed on my PhorestPay card terminal?

This article will show you how to refund a transaction that was originally processed through your PhorestPay card terminal.

The original card does not need to be present, and the card terminal is not needed to complete a refund that was processed through a PhorestPay card terminal. The refund to the original card will happen automatically.

Interac payments in Canada require the original card to be present to process a refund. Please also ensure you are using the latest version of Phorest.

Refunding a Sale

To refund a sale, go to Manager > Sales.

Use the search options and date picker at the top of the screen to find the sale you need to refund. 

Once you've found the sale, single-click it, then click the Refund button.

Refunding a sale will not undo an appointment. If you need to edit/remove the appointment associated with the sale, use the Void button to undo the transaction completely and refund the client. If you Void a sale, any deposit paid for the appointment will also be refunded.

Next, click Pay.

To process a refund to the original card, choose the card and then select Complete Payment to finalize the refund. Alternatively, you can select a different payment method if you prefer to issue a refund using another option.

If you are using a previous version of Phorest, choose either Credit or Debit payment type (you will only be able to choose whichever was used in the original sale), then click Pay to complete the refund.

   How long for the client?

If the refund is processed on the same day as the original sale, the money will typically land in the client's account right away. However, it can take up to 5 business days (depending on the bank) for the refund to be fully processed and reach the client.

Refunding Part of a Sale (Partial Refund)

Go to Manager > Sales, and use the search tools at the top of the screen to find the sale, then single-click on the sale once you've found it, and click Refund.

To remove an item from the refund, click the 'X' beside it.

If you need to adjust the refund amount for an item, click the price to make changes.

Click Pay, select the payment method you wish to refund to, and then click Complete Payment to complete the refund.

Refunding a Tip

If you wish to refund a tip only or wish to include the tip in the refund, you will need to manually add the tip refund to the sale.

To do this, during the refund process, click Add a tip, then enter the name of the staff member who originally received the tip.

Enter a negative amount into the tip amount field by pressing the - (minus) symbol on your keyboard first, then enter the refund amount > Confirm tip.


If you are Voiding the sale, any tips received will automatically be refunded after the sale is void.

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