How do I view a client's completed Consultation Forms?

This article will show you how to view a client's completed digital Consultation Form.

On Phorest Desktop

Go to Clients > Search for and click on a client to open their profile > Consultations.

To view a form, click the Link button beside the form you wish to view. 

The form will appear. It can be scrolled downwards to view all questions and details. At the bottom of the form, you will also see the client's digital signature.

On PhorestGo

To view a client's Consultation Forms on PhorestGo, tap on their appointment > Tap their name to open their profile > Tap Consultation Forms.

You'll see all Consultation Forms completed by this client, listed by the date they were completed.


Alternatively, you can swipe left from the screen, go to Clients, search for and tap on the client's name, and tap Consultation Forms.

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