This article will give you some more information on the weekly 'Your Week in Review' email you receive from Phorest as a business owner.

If you do not currently receive this email, feel free to log a ticket to our Support team through your Phorest system, and we will happily set it up for you. Important to note that we will require permission from the account owner in order for you to receive this email.

Your weekly email, delivered to you every Monday morning, gives you a snapshot of how your business has performed in the past week, how that compares to the previous week, and how busy your business is looking for the week ahead. At a glance, you will see your key metrics and how they are progressing over time, and you will be able to make important decisions on the fly based on these insights.

Your Week in Review


Client Visits - The number of individual clients who visited your business in the past week. This is compared to the previous week with an indicator letting you know whether visits are up or down.

Average Bill - This is the total revenue divided by the number of client visits.

Weekly Revenue - All revenue that came into the business that week.

The figures in the Week in Review email are gross totals.

Client Visits and Average Bill are based on the information in the Performance Stats report, while Weekly Revenue is based on the information in the Staff Performance Overview report.


Product Upsell - Product upsell is important and has a huge impact on revenue. This number lets you know how many appointments included a product sale.

Rebooked Treats - We track any client that came in during the week if you gave them a free treat service previously and if they've booked that same service and paid for it.

Discounts - We believe discounts should be kept to a minimum. We track if there is a trend for discounting and if it's become the norm instead of the exception that it should be.



Booking Cycle - We track all clients who visited in the past week and, on average, how long it has been for them since their last visit. Keeping your booking cycle low has a massive impact on your bottom line.

Online Bookings - Every appointment that was booked online in the last 7 days. This allows you to take bookings 24/7. It also frees you and your staff from taking bookings over the phone.

Note: This number will differ from the number in the Online Bookings report, as the Week in Review looks at appointments created whereas the Online Bookings report looks at appointments completed.

Online Bookings when Closed - We total all bookings from the past week that were made while your business was closed. This makes things super convenient for your clients and generates revenue for you while you sleep!

Cost of No-Shows - Any booked appointment that week where the client did not turn up. You can use No Show charging to reduce this.

Clients At Risk - This will give you the number of your regular clients who are overdue for their next appointment (based on the week reporting period).

Note: If you are using the Client Reconnect feature, this number may be larger than the number of overdue clients displayed in Client Reconnect. This happens because Client Reconnect will only display the number of those clients that are actually contactable based on available contact information and opt-in preferences.

Rebook Rate - This is the number of clients who visited in the past week and have also rebooked for their next appointment.

Client Feedback


No of Phorest Reviews - How many of your clients left a review in the past week.

Average Review Rating - Of those reviews left, what is the average rating.

Featured Review - We pick your top review of the last 7 days.

Upcoming Week by Day


Here you'll see how your upcoming week is looking. From this, you can quickly see if your staffing levels look right and whether you need to take some action to get clients booked in - send out a marketing campaign, take advantage of Client Reconnect, promote on social media etc.

Upcoming Week by Employee


This week by employee - Here we break down the stats for your staff over the next 7 days; The total count of upcoming Appointments, the Value of those appointments, the rate of Utilisation and their Rostered Hours. All this allows you to make proactive decisions for your business.

Not Seeing All of Your Staff Members?

If some of your staff members are missing from the list, this is because some email providers have a limit on the length of an email. To view the full list, there should be a View entire message button at the bottom of the email. Click it to see the full list.


The Rostered Hours total will include breaks where breaks were selected as Paid. Unpaid breaks will not be included in the total hours.

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