This report explores Staff Utilization and shows staff time and income generated

The staff utilization report shows how staff members utilize their scheduled time and generate revenue.

 Where to find this Report

This report can be found under Manager > Reports > Additional Reports > Staff

What the Report Looks Like 


Reporting Explained

Available hours shows the number of hours each staff member was scheduled to work during the selected dates. This is based on rostered hours (minus any unpaid breaks).

Utilization hours shows the number of hours each staff member was booked for appointments between the dates selected. 

Utilization is the percentage of time the staff member was booked out against their schedule. The schedule is viewed as 100% of the time available. The percentage utilized is the percentage of the time when the staff member was booked.

Utilization can be more than 100% due to staff members being booked outside their rostered hours, where their total appointment hours exceed their rostered hours, or due to double bookings. For example, if a staff member is rostered for 1 hour but has two 1-hour appointments double-booked within that hour, their utilization will be 200%.

Totals gives a total on each section above for all staff members combined.

Services Revenue per hour lists the average revenue generated by each staff member. This is based on service and course sales revenue within the date range divided by the total available hours (rostered/scheduled hours) as a decimal number.

Example: If a staff member was scheduled to work for 2h30mins (available hours = 2:30) and their total service sales for the day was 100 (based on sales transactions), then their Service Revenue per hour would be 100 / 2.5 = 40

You can retrieve the total sales by using the Staff Transaction Overview report.

Revenue figures in the Staff Utilization report are based on Gross price (i.e. inclusive of tax/VAT/GST)

Product Revenue per hour lists the average revenue generated by each staff member on the dates selected for products per hour.

Total per hour is the total average revenue per hour each staff member is generating on services and products 

The 3X Wages Ratio is based on the idea that for a business to break even, each staff member must generate revenue per hour three times their Hourly Rate (set on their staff profile under Settings). If a staff member does not generate this on average, the business is potentially losing money.

This section shows the amounts each staff member is above or below their target of the 3X rule.

Any value less than 3 will be displayed as a negative value.

The number is calculated by dividing the Total Revenue Per Hour by the Hourly Rate. For example, Staff A has an Hourly Rate of 10 and a Total Rev Per Hour of 33. Their 3x Wages Ratio is 33 / 10 = 3.3, meaning they are generating 3.3 times more than their hourly rate.

Averages shows a total combined average on each of the sections above for all staff members

The Salon Percentage Utilized pie chart represents the time utilized overall by staff; the full chart is 100% of the time scheduled. This is broken down by Availability percentage and Utilization Percentage for the whole salon (All staff) 

3X Wages Rule Above/below baseline Graph

This section displays the amounts by which each staff member is above or below the business's baseline target of breaking even.

Staff Breaks

Staff Breaks behave differently on the report, depending on whether they are paid breaks or not.

A paid break will count as a staff member being utilized, and will add to their Utilization (Hours) and Utilization figures.

Example below of a staff member, scheduled for a 10 hour shift with a 1 hour paid break

An unpaid break does not count toward utilization hours and will instead deduct from the total available hours by the break's duration.

Example below, using the same example as above but with an unpaid 1 hour break.

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