How do I setup a reminder/notification to let me know when a client's product has run out?

This article outlines how to automate when you need to let your client know they need to top up the product they previously bought from you.

A good way to sell more retail is for a pop-up reminder to appear when a client is in the salon and the last product they purchased ought to have run out. 

Go to Manager > Settings Point Of Sale PromptsShow advanced options.


Set the Product Reminder setting to Yes, choose when you want the reminder to appear when the client checks in for their appointment, or when they go to pay for their appointment, then select how often you would like this reminder to appear.


Click Save to finish.

Setting Different Reminder Times for Different Products

You can also set different reminder times for specific products in your inventory. This can be useful if you want to set reminders based on typical repurchase times for certain products.

To do this, go to ManagerInventory/StockDouble-click on a product to edit it > Click Advanced, then set the reminder time for this specific product > Click Save to finish.


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