How do I add, edit or remove a Payment Type?

This article explains how to create/edit custom payment types you use in your salon.

Adding & Editing Payment Types

Go to Manager > Settings > Click Financials, then Payment Types.

Single-click the Name of a payment type to edit it. To add a new payment type, click Add New.


Enter the details of your Payment Type on the next screen.

The Code field is a shortcode that will appear on your end-of-day Cash Up screen and also on some reporting. Set this to letters that can be used to abbreviate your new payment type. 

The Banked option should be set to Yes if the payment ends up in your bank account. Payments that are not banked will be calculated as Non-Revenue Sales.

Click Save to finish creating your new Payment Type.

Your new Payment Type will now be visible on the Purchase screen when paying through clients.

Note: If the payment type isn't immediately available on the Purchase screen, restart Phorest.

Once you see your new payment type in this list you can then begin using it to put purchases through and pay off appointments, your new payment type will also show up in the financial reports you run.

It is always best practice to close your till/ drawer at the end of the day. Click here to view how to end your day and run the end-of-day report.

Restoring/Unarchiving a Payment Type

If you have previously archived a payment type and would like to restore it, go to Manager > Settings > Financials > Payment Types, then toggle to Archived.


To restore, single-click the Name of the payment type, then click Restore.


Note: If the payment type isn't immediately available on the Purchase screen, restart Phorest.

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