How do I block certain days/hours out from Online Booking?

This article will outline a workaround you can apply to prevent online bookings from being made on specific days of the year within your Phorest system

Go to the date you need to block on the appointment calendar, then click Break.


Create the break for your prefered amount of time, and make sure the Staff is Paid During This Break box remains unchecked.

If you're blocking out an entire day, enter any amount of time here. You can easily extend the break after creating it.


Note: It is really important to make sure this break is unpaid as a paid break will show on the Staff Utilization reports.

Extending the Break

You can move the break by dragging it and extend the break by single-clicking it, then click-and-drag from the bottom of the break.


Online bookings cannot be booked into timeslots where a break exists. You will still be able to book clients within the salon. To do so, double-click on a white space beside the break, then click Yes on the pop-up to continue with the booking.


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