Stylists Performance Overview report overview

The Stylists Performance Overview report gives you an overview of each Stylist's performance between two dates.

 Where to find this Report

This report can be found under Manager > Reports > Additional Reports > Staff

This report will only include services that are assigned an Online category under the Hair grouping.

You can check this by going to Manager Categories Service Categories > Click the name of a category.

What the Report Looks Like


An (S) beside a staff member's name indicates that they are a stylist. A stylist is a staff member who performed a service that has an Online category of Cut + Styling.

The Numbers Explained

# - This is the total number of client visits in the given period of time.

N - This is the number of those clients that were new, also shown as a percentage of the total # of clients.

RQs - This is the number of requests for a specific staff member in the specified date range.

NRQs - This is the number of new requests for a specific staff member in the specified date range.

Rat - This is the staff members’ average Review rating (1 - 5 stars) received from the emails sent to each client after an appointment (provided you have Review Requests enabled).

Direct Services - These are services carried out directly by the (stylist) staff member

Services by others - This amount reflects the value of services carried out on a stylist's clients by staff members who are not stylists themselves.

Products - The number of products sold by the stylist in the given period of time.

Total - This is the sum of all Direct ServicesServices by Others (Courses are excluded), and Products related to the staff in the given period of time.

Include All Services

When generating the report, you will have the option to Include all Services.

This setting changes how the report behaves for appointments involving more than one staff member.

When this setting is unchecked: The sales for an appointment performed by multiple staff members will be combined and assigned to the Stylists' totals, and will not be included in the other staff member's totals. The total for services performed by the stylist will be listed under Direct Services. Whereas, the services performed by other staff, such as a colorist, will be listed under the Stylists totals under Service by others.

A Stylist is a staff member who performs a service that has an online category of Cut + Styling.

When this setting is checked: The sales for an appointment performed by multiple staff members will be combined and assigned to the Stylists' totals, as is the same as above when the setting is unchecked. However, the sales total for services performed by other staff will also be included in the Services total for those other staff members.


In this example, Ciara is performing a Full Head Highlights service, which has an online category of Colour. Tegan, our stylist, is performing the finish service of Cut & Style, which has an online category of Cut + Styling.

Full Head Highlights is priced at 100, while Cut & Style is priced at 50.

With the option to Include all Services unchecked, the appointment total is added to Tegan's (our stylist) totals and is not included in Ciara's.

With the option checked, Tegan's totals are the same as above, however, the Full Head Highlights service is now also included in Ciara's Services totals.


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