This report explores how staff are utilized in terms of revenue and performance.

 Where to find this Report

This report can be found under Manager > Reports > Additional Reports > Staff.

The report will summarize each staff member's performance in several areas, including their utilization, care factor, service totals, product totals, etc. An example of the report can be seen below, and an explanation for each heading/figure is shown.


If an '(A)' is displayed beside a staff member's name when you generate this report, it means the staff member is archived.

  1. Employee - Lists all staff members currently set up on the system.
  2. Utilization - This value is obtained by dividing the Staff Total Time Worked (in seconds) by the Staff Total Working Time (in seconds). The result is given as a percentage to show how much of a staff member's time is spent on performing services. 
  3. Visits - are counted as unique guest visits per day. If a single client has one sale for a service and another for a product on the same day, this will be counted as a single visit. Visits are calculated per staff and not per salon. A single visit to the salon may contain visits to different staff members.
  4. Rebooked - This is the percentage of clients from the Visits total who either rebooked for a future appointment or already have a future appointment booked.
  5. Care Factor – The staff care factor is a percentage of staff client visits that included a product purchase in a given period divided by the total number of staff client visits in the same period.
  6. Services - This is the number of services sold in a given period of time. This does not include series/courses. 
  7. Products - This is the number of products sold in a given period of time.
  8. Total - This is the sum of all services, courses, and products sold in a given period of time.
  9. Avg Bill - This figure is calculated by dividing the number within the Total column by the total number of Visits.


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