How do I set up up a discount for Online Bookings?

This article will show you how you can set up an automatic discount for all services whenever they are booked online, and also how you can set up individual online discounts per service.

Setting up a Discount for All Services Booked Online

Go to Manager > SettingsOnline > Booking Rules


Change the Discount for online booking setting to either First Booking (meaning clients will only get the discount for their very first online booking) or Every Booking.

Next, set the Discount Amount you want and click Save.


You can also choose to set either a Percentage discount or a discount Amount.


If you ever want to disable this, change Discount for booking online back to Never and click Save.

Setting up a Discount for Individual Services

Go to Manager > Services, then single-click on a service to edit it.

Go to the Online & App section, then set a discount in the Discount field and click Save.


Multiple Locations in Phorest?

If you have multiple locations in Phorest and only want to apply the discount in one or some locations, click on a service to edit it then go to Branches > Click on the name of the location.


From here, you can go to the Online & App menu for that service and set a discount which, when set on this screen, will only apply to that location.


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