How to add a break in Phorest Go?

This article will show you how to add a break in Phorest Go.

For information on adding and removing breaks on the desktop version of Phorest, check out this guide.

Video: Add Or Remove A Break

Step-by-Step Guide

 In this article

Adding a Break

Hold your finger on the timeslot where you want to create the break > Tap Add Break.


Edit the name of the break if you need to, then select the duration of the break. 


Once you're ready, tap Done to create the break.

  Paid Breaks

Paid breaks can currently only be created on the Android version of Phorest Go. If you are using PhorestGo 2.0, paid breaks can be created on all devices. If you are not using PhorestGo 2.0, all breaks created on Apple iOS devices (iPhone/iPad) are created as Unpaid breaks. If needed, you can edit these breaks on the Desktop version of Phorest to Paid.

Removing a Break

To remove a break, tap on it > Tap Delete Break.


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