How do I add recovery time for staff between each online booking?

This article will show you how to edit the Duration of a service to include gap/recovery/clean-up time and only display the actual service Duration on your Online Booking page and in your Salon Branded App.

Changing the Regular Duration

Go to Manager > Services, and single-click on the Service you wish to edit the Duration of.

Edit the Duration to include the total time you want this service to block out on your calendar, including the Gap/Recovery time

For example, If it is a 45-minute service and you need 15 minutes of recovery time, add those together and enter 60 for the Duration.


Changing the Online Duration

Next, click the Online & App tab on the left, then change the Online Duration minutes to the length of time you want to display to your clients.

If you have multiple locations in Phorest, you will need to click Show advanced options to find the Online Duration setting. 

The Online Duration does not affect the actual duration of the timeslot booked out in your calendar; instead, it just displays a different Duration online to clients. Set your Online Duration and click Save to finish.

Using the same example as above, we would set this duration to 45 minutes.


How it Looks Online for the Client

How it Looks on the Appointments Calendar

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