How do I change my Cancellation Period with online booking?

To amend your Cancellation this change, go to Manager > Settings OnlineBooking Rules

Adjust your Cancellation Period to whatever you would like, then click Save.

Note: By default, the Cancellation period is set to 24 hours.


Clients cannot cancel or reschedule their appointments online within your cancellation period. However, you and your staff can still cancel or reschedule this booking in-house if necessary.

How it Looks in Online Booking

The booking completion screen highlights the duration of the cancellation period when booking an appointment online.

It is not currently possible to edit or customize the rest of the text in this field.

If a client clicks in to view a booking in their Appointment History, they will also see a banner reminding them of your cancellation policy.

If they attempt to Reschedule or Cancel, a message will appear on-screen advising them that they need to call to make changes to the appointment.

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