How do I set up appointment check in Push Notifications for Phorest Go?

This article will show you how to set up push notifications through Phorest Go for checked-in appointments.

  PhorestGo 2.0 Required

To use this feature, you must be using PhorestGo 2.0. Use one of the links below to download the app, or search PhorestGo 2.0 in your app store.

    iOS Store (iPhone or iPad)
  Google Play Store (Android device)

Your staff can receive notifications on their smartphone and smartwatch devices whenever a client is Checked In, provided those devices support push notifications from apps on your phone.

How it Works

Once a client is checked in, the staff member will receive a notification, as seen below. This notification will only be sent to the staff linked with the first service in an appointment booking. 

 iOS Notification


 Android Notification


Tapping the notification will bring the staff into Phorest Go, and the Client Card screen will appear on the Service History tab for the client checked in.

Enabling Push Notifications on Your Device

For Push Notifications on Phorest Go to work, you need to have Notifications enabled for the Phorest Go app on your smartphone and/or smartwatch.

 Android Devices (Samsung, OnePlus, Google, etc.)

This is enabled by default on most Android devices. However, if you're not getting the notification, check your Notification settings on your phone and make sure notifications for Phorest Go are allowed.

 iOS Devices (iPhone/iPad)

On iOS devices, you'll need to allow notifications. You'll see the below prompt the first time you open the Phorest Go app. If you missed the prompt or disabled notifications and want to enable them again, you can do so in your device's notification settings.

mceclip1.png mceclip2.png

Not Seeing Notifications on your Smartwatch?

If you are using push notifications on a Smartwatch device and aren't seeing push notifications, there could be several reasons why. On most devices, if you have push notifications enabled on both your smartwatch and smartphone, you won't receive notifications on your watch when your phone is unlocked and will receive them on your phone instead.

 Here is some more information on Apple Watch push notifications.

 Here's some more information on Android watch push notifications.

Don't have Phorest Go setup? Check out this guide to find out how.

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