How do I remove an appointment on Phorest Go?

This article outlines how to delete or cancel a booking from your calendar using the Phorest Go mobile app.

Removing an Appointment

First, tap on the appointment to open the appointment editor screen.

Removing a Service From an Appointment

If you only want to remove a service from an appointment, tap on the service > Remove service.

Deleting or Canceling the Entire Appointment

If you wish to remove the appointment entirely, tap More options, then choose to either Cancel or Delete the appointment.


Staff Access to Remove an Appointment

Deleting and canceling appointments in PhorestGo requires that staff have specific access permissions.

These permissions can be found in Phorest on a computer under ManagerAccess & License Keys > Select the Access Level from the dropdown at the top > Phorest Go (Mobile)CalendarEdit AppointmentsDelete Appointment and/or Cancel Appointment

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