Why did my client not receive an email marketing campaign?

This article will explain the per-client send limit within the email marketing suite and other reasons why a client may not receive an email campaign sent from your business.

Below are some of the most common reasons why a client may not be receiving your marketing emails.

The Client has Reached the Max Send Limit

Each of your clients can only be sent a maximum of 20 marketing emails per calendar month. This limit is in place in order to ensure that your emails are not flagged as spam by an email provider.

Appointment reminders and confirmations are not affected by this limit.

You can see how many marketing emails a client has been sent under Clients > Search for and click on a client to open their client card > Communication.

Change the Message type filter to Marketing and the Campaign type to Email, and you'll see each marketing email sent along with the date it was sent to that client.

If the client has already been sent 20 marketing emails in a month, and you're attempting to send them another email in that same month, then the Delivery Status for that email will show as Failed on their client card, and the campaign Status will show as Undelivered for that client.


The Client has not Opted-In to Receive Marketing Messages

Another possible reason would be that the client has not opted in to receive marketing messages from you.

Check out this guide to find out how to view and update a client's marketing consent.

Invalid Email Address on the Client's Profile

It's possible that the email address is incorrect. For example, it may have a typo.

To check this, go to Clients > Search for and click on a client to open their client card > Check the Email and confirm with the client that it is correct.

If an email address is a valid email address but not the client's actual email address, then Phorest will show the email status as Delivered, but the client will not receive the email.

If the email address is not a valid email address, the Delivery Status for that email will show as Failed on their client card, and the campaign Status will show as Undelivered for that client.



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