How do I refund a product that was purchased in the Online Store?

This article will show you how you can refund a client who bought an item from your Online Store.

Finding the Original Purchase Date

First, to find the date the order was made, go to Manager > Online Store > Orders and use the search function to find the order and view the original Purchase Date.

If you're not sure which order it is, click the Order Number to view the full details of the order.

Next, go to Manager > Sales, and navigate to that date using the calendar at the top of the screen.

You can search the client's name to help find the transaction.

Refunding the Full Order

Once you've found the sale, single-click it and then click Void.

If you do not see a Void button, click the Undo button instead.

Enter your reason for voiding the transaction, e.g., 'client no longer wants the product(s)', then click OK.

The transaction will now be voided, and the client will receive a full refund on the card used in the original purchase.

If you want to refund using a different Payment Type (like Cash, Bank Transfer, etc.), use the Refund button instead of the Void button.

Refunding Back to the Original Card

Refunds back to the original card typically happen within 1-2 business days but can be delayed 5-10 business days, depending on the bank.

Refunding Some of the Order (Partial Refund)

If the order included multiple products and you only want to refund some of them, or you want to refund a product but for a different amount, click the sale, then click Refund.

On the Purchase screen, click the 'X' beside any item you wish to remove from the refund.

If you want to change the refund amount for a particular item, click the price of the item to change it.


Finally, click Pay, select the payment method you wish to refund to, then click Complete Payment to finish.

Order Status

The current order status will not change automatically after refunding.

Effects on Product Count

Refunding or voiding the sale will cause the product count to increase by the number of refunded products.

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