How do I manually add a client's Course/Series that wasn't sold in Phorest?

This article will show you how you can manually add a client's Course/Series that wasn't sold in Phorest. This function is typically useful if you have recently moved to Phorest from another software/pen & paper.

 First Steps!

Before you can manually add a client Course/Series, you will need to have created the Course/Series in your Phorest system. If you haven't done this already, click here for a guide on how to create one.

To begin, go to Manager > Courses/Series > Client Courses/Client Series +Add Client Course/Series.

Next, add the client and choose the Course/Series.

Next, if the client has already used some sessions in the Course/Series, adjust the Remaining Units to the number of sessions they have available to use.

Finally, update the original Purchase Date and Expiry Date if necessary, then update the Notes with the reason why the Course/Series was added manually (optional).

Click Save to finish adding the client Course/Series.

Is Commission Still Calculated for Manually Added Client Courses/Series?

Yes, commission will still be calculated each time a session is redeemed, and it will be based on the price of the course/series at the time the client course/series was manually added.

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