How do I bulk apply a Tax/VAT rate to Services or Products?

This article will show you how to apply tax rates to all products or services

Go to Manager > SettingsFinancials > Tax Brackets


Select either Service or Product, depending on which type of tax you wish to bulk apply.

Click Apply to category if you're applying a Service tax, or Apply to Brand if you're applying a Product tax.

If you need to create a new Tax rate, click here for a guide on how to do that.

Select the category you wish to apply the tax rate to or choose to apply it to All categories > Select your tax rate > Click Apply.

Note: If you only need to bulk apply the tax to some categories, you will need to repeat this step one by one for each applicable category.

How Does This Affect My Sales?

The newly applied tax rate will only apply to sales transactions that happen after the bulk application. Sales before that point will still retain whatever tax rate was applied at the time of sale.

What About Archived Services/Products?

The tax rate for archived services/products will also be updated when you apply a bulk update.

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