Membership Feature Overview

This article will give you an overview of the Membership feature in your Phorest system.

The Membership feature is currently only available to clients in the United States using PhorestPay.

Go to Manager Memberships.

You'll see three options at the top of the screen - Memberships, Client Memberships, and Membership Billing. 


Here you'll see each of the Memberships that you have created. Double-click a membership to view more details about that membership.

Note: It is not possible to edit a Membership that is active with paying clients.

To create a new membership, click on the Add button in the bottom left. See how to create a membership here.

Client Memberships

In the Client Memberships tab, a list of clients who purchased a membership can be seen. The details here are the date the membership was purchased, what membership it was, and if the membership is still active.

Double-clicking on a client will allow you to edit the membership start date, add a note, view purchase history, or change the membership status to frozen. A Frozen status will pause the membership and not charge the client's card in the future.

Membership Billing

In the Membership billing tab, a list of clients who are due to be billed and a history of successful or failed billing.

Should you take payment in the salon for a membership charge or a card needs to be updated on a client, selecting a client on the list will allow you to skip billing, say they were billed manually or charge the card now.


For more information on Membership billing, click here.

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