Client Courses/Series Outstanding report overview

This report shows all courses purchased along with how many sessions are remaining and their cost

This report shows the list of all the Courses not completed, the ones that have a number of remaining Sessions greater than zero.

Step by Step Guide

To view this report go to Manager > ReportsAdditional Reports

Click on Clients > Client Courses Outstanding (as shown in points 1. and 2. below) and finally click Generate Now to run the report.

The report will look something like this:


  • Client Name: The Client who purchased the Course.
  • Course Description: The course name.
  • Purchase Date: The time the Course was purchased.
  • Total: The total number of Sessions.
  • Total Gross: How much the whole course is worth (how much it was purchased for) 
  • Remaining: The remaining number of Sessions.
  • Remaining Gross: The cost of the remaining sessions
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