This report displays the list of Clients spending the most in the given period of time sorted by the total net amount spent.

 Where to find this Report

This report can be found under Manager > Reports > Additional Reports > Clients



  • Client: The name of the top client.

  • Visits: The number of visits the client has had. A visit is counted when a Service or Product is paid for. Multiple purchases on the same day still count as one visit.

  • Services Sold: The number of Services and Courses bought by the Client in the specified date range.

  • Services Total (Excluding Tax): The total net amount of Services and Courses bought by the Client in the specified date range.

  • Products Sold: The number of Products bought by the Client in the specified date range.

  • Products Total (Excluding Tax): The total net amount of Products bought by the Client in the specified date range.

  • Sessions Performed: The number of Series/Course sessions redeemed by this client within this period.

  • Sessions Total: The total value of those Series/Course sessions combined.

  • Total: The total net amount of Services, Courses and Products bought by the Client in the specified date range.

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