How to add/remove an image for an online product?

This article will show you how to add/remove an image for a product in your Online Store.

Go to Manager > Online Store.

In the online store product list, search for the product you wish to edit online. Type in the Search Bar or select a Brand in the dropdown.

Click on the Product Name

In the product information, it's possible to edit the Online Name, Image, Description, and Price. To add an image, click Upload Photo.

Search for the image on your desktop computer and select Open to upload the image. 

The image will upload within a few seconds.

Hover over the image and click the trashcan icon that appears. Click Yes to delete the image.

To learn more about selling products online to clients, enroll in our Online Store - Sell Products Online course in Phorest Academy - online, on-demand, and on-the-go learning for busy salon professionals.  

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