How can I be compliant with Making Tax Digital (MTD) in my VAT returns to HMRC?

Note: This article applies to businesses in the United Kingdom only.

From the 1st of April 2021, HMRC are requiring companies to submit their tax electronically through their accounting software. Most popular accounting software, such as Xero or Quickbooks, already has this built-in.

There is more information on HMRC's plans to make tax digital that can be viewed here.

The Financial Totals or SalesTransactions reports in Phorest can be exported as CSV and then from using "Bridging Software" can integrate this via Excel or other software to submit this directly to HMRC. Phorest currently does not have a direct solution to this via the software but there is a list of HMRC approved software that allows you to do this. 

The list of approved software can be viewed here.

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