How do I reset my Phorest PIN code?

This article will show you what to do if you have forgotten your Phorest PIN.

If you forget your pin number you can either send it to yourself via email through Phorest, or you can change it directly on your Staff Profile provided you have access. If you don't, your manager can change it for you.

To send a PIN reminder to your email

Go to Manager > Staff Members, click your Name to open your Staff Profile, then click the Send Pin button.

Note: This will only work if you have saved your email address in the Email section of your Staff Profile


To change your PIN

Open your Staff Profile, highlight and delete the existing pin in the System Pin field, then enter a new Pin and click Save


Note: Your Pin must be unique, and cannot match the Pin of another staff member.

  Forgot your Phorest Go Login?

If you've forgotten you're login information for Phorest Go, check out this guide on how to change your password.

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