How do I set up PIN codes & Access Levels for staff members?

This article will show you how to enable PIN codes for your staff in Phorest to restrict access.

Assigning PIN Codes

The first step is to ensure that every staff member has a PIN number assigned to them. You can do this by going to Manager > Staff Members, then single-click a staff member's name to access their staff profile. Enter a PIN code in the System PIN field, and click Save to finish.

Emailing the PIN code to a Staff Member

After you have entered a PIN code and clicked save, you can email the PIN code to your staff member if you like by clicking Send PIN.

The PIN will be sent via email to the email address that is saved on the staff profile in the Email field.

An email must exist on the profile, and you must click Save first for the Send PIN button to work.

The email will look like this:


Setting Up Access Levels

Go to Manager > Access & License Keys, and use the ACCESS LEVEL dropdown menu to select the ONE you wish to edit.


Creating a New Access Level

If you need to create a new Access Level, return to the Manager screen, then go to the Staff Members > Access Levels tab and click the Add button.


 Useful Tip!

If you're not sure what Access Level is assigned to a particular staff member, go to Manager > Staff Members and Single-click on their name. Their ACCESS LEVEL will be displayed on their main profile page.

Once the new access level is successfully created, go to Manager > Access & License Keys > Select the new access level from the dropdown to set up its permissions.

Click the > buttons to expand each section and select or clear each access permission you would like to enable or disable for this profile. Once you're happy with your selection, click Save.


Using PIN Codes

Now that PIN codes are enabled, all staff must enter their PIN number to use the system. This verifies their access level and tracks certain interactions made by staff within the system.

If clocking in is enabled, the staff member will be prompted to clock in after entering their PIN, provided they haven't clocked in already or have recently clocked out.

Once entered, you will see their name registered in the top left-hand corner screen.

Logging Out of Phorest

It is important to advise all staff to log out of Phorest after use. This will ensure that staff do not have access to areas of the system where they shouldn't and will prevent any changes made from being recorded under the wrong staff name.

To manually log out of Phorest, click the Pad Lock icon at the bottom left-hand corner of the system, as shown in the screenshot below.

If you'd like your Phorest system to log staff members out automatically after a certain time, click here for a guide on setting up the Auto-Logout feature.

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