This article will show you where you can find your Phorest Chat number, and how you can share it with your clients.
Please Note: This feature is currently only available to clients in the US and Canada.
Your Dedicated Salon Number
In order to use Phorest Chat, Phorest will provide you with a brand new dedicated SMS number.
This number is different from your main contact number and should only be used for Phorest Chat. Your clients will not be able to ring this number.
Sharing Your Phorest Chat Number
Your dedicated Phorest Chat number is easy to find and share from your Phorest Go app.
To find your dedicated number, in your Phorest Go app go to Chats, then click the Help icon. This is your number to send and receive SMS. You can copy and share with clients from here.
Claiming Your Dedicated Number
To get set up with Phorest Chat and receive your dedicated number click the link to complete the callback request form from your Salon Success Manager.
Request a Phorest Chat Callback
Note: Your dedicated number is a randomly generated number created when you sign up. You cannot use a number already in use nor can your Salon Success Manager create a bespoke one for you.