The Top Services report shows the top Services in the given period of time that generated the highest Revenue or Profit, depending on which filter is selected at the time the report is generated. Course/Series and Service Rewards (Services redeemed as TreatCard rewards) are excluded from the calculation.

 Where to find this Report

This report can be found under Manager > Reports > Additional Reports > Services



  • Category: This is the Service Category.
  • Description: This is the Service description.
  • Qty: This is the number of Services that have been sold in the given period of time.
  • Price: The price displayed is the price of the Service(s) at the time of the From date entered when generating the report. 
  • Time (hrs): This is the sum (in hours) of the duration of all Services carried over the given period of time. This is not the actual time spent during the Appointments, but the estimated duration as declared during the Service configuration.
  • Revenue: This is the total net amount of all Services sold in the given period of time.
  • Profit: This is the total net amount of all Services sold in the given period minus the total cost.

The cost used to calculate the Profit is the current Service cost at the time the report is generated. The Profit displayed by the report is then a close estimation of the real figure, assuming that the cost of Services hasn't changed too much during the period the report is run.

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