How do I add a deposit/credit to a client's account?

This article will show you how to put money into a client's account.

You can put credit onto a client's account, which the client can use to pay for future appointments and products.

Note: This article will show you how to add a deposit through a payment. If you're looking to add complimentary credit to a client's account without the client having to pay for it, check out this guide.

Adding Credit to a Client's Account

Go to Purchase > Add the Client to the sale > Click the name of the staff member who is processing this sale.


Click Outstanding Balance in the top left > Pay Deposit > Enter the deposit amount and click OK


After you add the deposit, click Pay > Choose the client payment method > Click Pay again to complete the transaction.

Using Account Credit as Payment

The client will now have this amount on their account, and the next time they go to make a payment, a popup notification will appear to say they have a deposit on their account.


You can then use the Account payment type to use account credit in a payment.


Attaching a Deposit to a Client's Appointment

You can also attach a deposit directly to a client's appointment. To find out more, check out this guide.

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