How do I export or delete/remove a specific Client's data?

This article will show you how to export and forget client information from your Phorest system

Video: Export & Remove Client Data

Step-by-Step guide

Go to Clients, and then search for and click on a client to open their Client Card.

Click Client actions to access the Export and Forget buttons.

Exporting Client Data

Clicking the Export button will download the client's data into a zip file containing the client's appointment history, transactions, and contact details.


Client notes and appointment notes are also contained in the 'client_details' and 'appointments' files.

You can email this zip file to the client if necessary.

 Client Consultation Forms

If your client requests a copy of their completed Consultation Forms, these are not included in this export. Click here to find out how to export your client's Consultation Forms.

Forgetting Client Data

If you click the Forget button, a prompt will appear asking if you are sure you wish to forget the client. Click Yes to remove their information from your Phorest database.

The client is now completely erased from your software. This does not affect the salon's transactions or reporting history; however, all history relating to this client will now be anonymized.

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