Tracking Online Booking Conversions with Google Analytics 4

Phorest's Online Booking platform has been built to work with Google Analytics 4 (GA4) out of the box. We require your GA4 Measurement ID, and once added, you will see views, events, and purchase conversions appear in your GA4 account.

To put your GA4 measurement ID on your online booking account, please complete this form. Once added, data will appear in your GA4 account in 24-48 hours.

What can I expect to see in GA4 with Phorest Online Booking?

GA4 will automatically see the following events occur once your measurement ID is connected:

  • Add Credit Card

  • Add To Cart

  • Remove From Cart

  • Begin Checkout

  • Purchase 

    • To see the service purchased, you can check it on Reports > Monetization > Ecommerce purchases

    • To see the purchase amount, you can check it on Reports > Engagement > Conversions

    • Also, you can see the purchase amount broken by channels in  Advertising > All channels

Currently, there is no reporting available in GA4 for the Online Store or Online Gift Card sites. Only Online Booking events can be reported.

Purchase events will have the value of the entire purchase associated with the event and the name of the item purchased. You will also see the number of times these items were added to the cart.


Where can I locate my measurement ID?

Your measurement ID can be found in the admin section of your analytics account; under Data collection and modifications select Data streams

Click on the data stream you want to use for Phorest Online Booking. The measurement ID will appear at the top right.


I am seeing conversions, but they are missing the source

Setup Cross Domain Tracking

With GA4, you can set up cross-domain tracking under the admin section of your account. This will allow traffic coming from sources like a Google Ads campaign to maintain its source when moving from your website to the Phorest Online Booking platform.

Instructions from this Google article:

  1. In Admin, under Data collection and modification, click Data streams.
  2. Click Web, then click a web data stream.
  3. In the web stream details, click Configure tag settings (at the bottom).
  4. In the Settings section, click Configure your domains.
  5. If you use the same Google tag across domains, they are automatically detected and show up in the Recommendations section. To accept a recommendation, click Add.
    To manually add a domain, click Add condition under Include domains that match the following conditions:
    - Choose a match type.
    - Under Domain, enter the identifier for the domain you want to match (e.g.,
    - Add each domain you want to include in cross-domain measurement.
    Conditions are evaluated using OR logic.
  6. Click Save.


It should look something like this when done:


Some Phorest clients use the floating book now button or choose to embed the Phorest online booking inside an iframe on their website so it looks like it is part of their website.

While both of these options will work, clients can book, and analytics will run, you will not be able to see where the traffic comes from. For this to happen, visitors need to go to your website and then to Phorest Online Booking. 

We recommend simply linking out to online booking with a button or link from your website to your Phorest booking pages.

Additional Questions on GA4?

Phorest are not experts on GA4, and we can only provide the above information. If you have any further queries on your GA4 account configuration, please check out Google's Analytics Help Page.

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