Overview of the Salon Branded App Setup

Your New Salon Branded App has been completely redeveloped and redesigned over the past several months. Our aim is to make it as easy as possible for your customers, to download and book appointments with your salon.
This article is to answer your questions on the new apps and some tips to get the most out of them.

Overview Video

Here's a quick video to give an overview


We've added a new section in Manager > Settings > Branded App. This allows you to change your brand colour and home screen image direct from the backend GUI, without having to resubmit to Apple/Google Play.


Marketing Your App

Please feel free to use any of the below images to market your app.

We would also recommend sending an email or SMS to your clients to let them know about your app and links to download it for both Android & iOS.




Opening Hours

You can change and update your opening hours for the app from Phorest on your computer. Go to Manager > Settings > General and click on Opening Hours on the left side menu. Simply edit the opening hours and they will update in the app. For more information on changing your opening hours, check out this guide.



Your clients can now view their TreatCard points on the Salon App. 

Click here to see how you can set this up: How to View TreatCard Points on the Salon Branded App


Photo Gallery

The old apps used a Facebook Gallery to show images in the apps however, Facebook changed its Terms & Conditions recently so we now have the ability for you to add your own photos to your app via your Phorest Settings! These are applied per location.

Click here if you would like to know how to do this: How to set up a Photo Gallery on the Salon Branded App 


If you are interested in this feature but do not already have it on your package, please reach out to our Grow Team - growteam@phorest.com. 

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